
Stephen Shortt

Stephen Shortt
Managing Director of ETC Consult and Distributed Training.

Stephen grew up in two family businesses – as well as starting a few of his own. Having bought both family businesses from his parents and growing them internationally, Stephen learned a lot about successful succession planning – as well as making some mistakes along the way…

Stephen is the former global chair of the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards which supports young, emerging entrepreneurs in over 50 countries around the world – which was the basis for the Disney+ / National Geographic Documentary “Own The Room”. Stephen has also served on the global committee for EO Accelerator which supports entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses to €1m+ per year. He was a founding member and Past President of the Irish chapter of the Entrepreneurs Organisation.

Stephen is a speaker, selection and interview facilitator, succession planning coach; strategy facilitator; team development coach; leadership coach and personality profiler.

Stephen has delivered keynotes, facilitated workshops and taught on leadership academies in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Asia and Oceana.

Stephen is honoured to act on a number of advisory boards; as a coach for accelerator companies scaling up their businesses; as an angel investor and as a mentor to emerging entrepreneurs in Ireland and internationally.

All of Stephen’s projects, businesses and programmes feed into his core purpose “To help people Aspire to a better future and Empower them to get there”.

Stephen and his Spanish wife have two bilingual daughters and try to spend as much holiday time in Spain as possible.

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