
The Dublin People Group


The Dublin People Group is the largest free local newspaper in Dublin, with three popular weekly titles serving the city: Northside People East, Northside People West & Southside People. Each of our titles are compact and available every Monday.

Our publications are distributed throughout Dublin’s suburbs to homes, pick-up points, and businesses. Publishing since 1986, 37 years covering Dublin City and County. Covering all your local and community news across the city and county. With three separate publications serving the city, you have the choice of advertising in one, two or all three newspapers, helping you reach your target audience.

Owned by David Mahon. The group has grown to a current weekly circulation of 65,000 copies. The current readership of 270,000 Kantar Media TGI 2023 making it the largest read No 1 free newspaper group in Dublin. The Dublin People Group titles are run by General Manager, Conor Mahon; are based in the Robinhood Industrial Estate Dublin 22. Printed in Web Print Concepts Nass Road.

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