
Early Bird Discount for Biz Expo

12 June 2020
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Growing bigger than ever and reaching audiences nationwide with our Virtual platform, we’ll have over 30 webinars, workshops, and dozens of exhibiting companies there to help entrepreneurs and business directors in the Irish SME community.

Would you like to promote your brand to thousands of business directors?

Our new virtual setup is designed to drive engagement, and we expect to more than triple our attendee numbers, reaching audiences from every corner in Ireland.

Book now to have priority listings, and avail of our –10% Early-Bird discount

All packages offer live video & chat, along with promoting a special offer CTA, and a promo video. In advance of the event, we’ll schedule video interviews to promote on social media and add extra value in advance of the event itself.

Premium Packages include Webinars and extra marketing options.

Click here to see pricing and the booking request form


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