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Peninsula has been helping businesses to be compliant with HR and health & safety legislation for over 35 years. We are trusted by over 5,000 SME owners and employers across Ireland providing a unique service offering that is unparalleled in the marketplace.

At the heart of our company is a commitment to the health and growth of our clients. This means we are not just a source of expert help, but we are also a trusted partner. We pride ourselves on delivering a service that mitigates risk, adds value, and allows businesses to focus their time on what they do best.

Peninsula knows that businesses change and grow, and our range of services has evolved in response to the unique needs of business owners. Peninsula supports you with all aspects of your business, from health & safety expertise to employment law and much more to deliver bespoke solutions based on your specific requirements, culture and ways of working.

For instant HR and Health & Safety support, call Peninsula today on 0818 923 923. Alternatively, you can visit our website at


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